When shall I say our love began
Long, long before the kiss was passionate
Though the tendency is to give that as the start
When did the thought of your name
Claim my brain
Early, early on
When did it begin
When you turned to me
In the shadow of a tree
And kissed me
Or when I took your headache away
And felt your body tell my heart things it wanted to know
Or when I saw your face across a dingy hall
Made bright by the brightness of your smile
When did love begin
At birth for me I think.
While it is delightful to ponder love's beginning
Or love's decision
Or other memories of the past
Far better it is to know
That no matter when it started
It will have no end
That our song having once begun
Swells in volume
Fills the halls of time with our melody
And will echo in God's halls
Till eternity is done.
Frank Vollmer September 1, 1990
When shall I say our love began
Long, long before the kiss was passionate
Though the tendency is to give that as the start
When did the thought of your name
Claim my brain
Early, early on
When did it begin
When you turned to me
In the shadow of a tree
And kissed me
Or when I took your headache away
And felt your body tell my heart things it wanted to know
Or when I saw your face across a dingy hall
Made bright by the brightness of your smile
When did love begin
At birth for me I think.
While it is delightful to ponder love's beginning
Or love's decision
Or other memories of the past
Far better it is to know
That no matter when it started
It will have no end
That our song having once begun
Swells in volume
Fills the halls of time with our melody
And will echo in God's halls
Till eternity is done.
Frank Vollmer September 1, 1990
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